Spa Manager (m/w/d) ab Mai 2025
Department: SPAEmployment contract Full time
Überkollektive und qualifikationsangemessene Bezahlung; zzgl. Einheimischenbonus; zzgl. persönliche und hausinterne Trinkgelder
Für unseren neuen 5***** Spa der Extraklasse!
Ab Mai 2025 erstrahlt das Alpenrose - Familux Resort nach umfangreichen Umbauarbeiten in neuem Glanz und bietet unseren Gästen ein unvergleichliches Spa-Erlebnis. Unser neu gestaltetes Spa, das Herzstück der Entspannung und Erholung, wird zu einem Ort der einzigartigen Wohlfühlmomente. Für die Leitung dieses anspruchsvollen Bereiches suchen wir eine engagierte Führungskraft, die den Neustart unseres Spas aktiv mitgestaltet und unser Team zu Höchstleistungen führt.
In den 10 neu konzipierten Behandlungsräumen erwartet unsere Gäste ein vielfältiges Behandlungsspektrum, das unter anderem ein Baby Spa, Hair Spa, Nail Spa sowie eine großzügige Verkaufsfläche umfasst. Ergänzt wird dieses Angebot durch exklusive Naturkosmetikprodukte und professionelle Hautanalysen, die individuelle Pflegeerlebnisse ermöglichen.
Möchtest Du ein Team von Spa-Experten leiten und dazu beitragen, außergewöhnliche Entspannungserlebnisse zu schaffen? Dann freuen wir uns auf Deine Bewerbung!
Einige Deiner Aufgaben:
- Leitung und Organisation des gesamten Spa-Bereichs, inklusive der Sicherstellung optimaler Betriebsabläufe
- Auswahl, Schulung und Motivation eines Teams von 12 Spa-Mitarbeitern, um eine positive Arbeitsumgebung und höchste Servicequalität zu garantieren
- Verantwortung für die Gästebetreuung und Gewährleistung einer außergewöhnlichen Gästezufriedenheit
- Professionelles Beschwerdemanagement, stets lösungsorientiert und im Einklang mit den Familux Standards
- Sicherstellung der vollständigen Beherrschung der Familux Standards sowie der im Spa verwendeten Produkte und Behandlungen
- Überwachung der monatlichen Sales- und Revinate-Ziele sowie Organisation einer reibungslosen Performance bei deren Umsetzung
- Entwicklung innovativer Sales-Strategien und Unterstützung des Teams bei deren Implementierung
Für Dich sowieso selbstverständlich:
- Abgeschlossene, fachspezifische Ausbildung im Bereich Wellness, Kosmetik oder Gesundheitsmanagement
- Idealerweise fundierte Qualifikationen im Bereich Kosmetik, Massage oder verwandter Fachgebiete
- Verhandlungssichere Deutschkenntnisse sowie gute Englischkenntnisse (mind. B1)
- Selbstständige, verantwortungsbewusste Arbeitsweise mit einem hohen Maß an Eigeninitiative und Organisationstalent
- Ausgeprägte Führungskompetenz und die Fähigkeit, ein motiviertes Team zu führen und weiterzuentwickeln
- Hohes Maß an Verantwortungsbewusstsein, Zuverlässigkeit und Entscheidungsfreude
- Ausgeprägte Serviceorientierung sowie eine starke Affinität zu Wellness und Gesundheit
Wenn du bei den Familux Resorts arbeitest, bist du keine Nummer im System. Du bist kein Mitarbeiter. Du bist ein Familienmitglied!
Und als Teil unserer Familux Family garantieren wir dir:
- Eine verantwortungsvolle Führungsposition in einem renommierten Resort mit exzellenten Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten
- Ein familienorientiertes Arbeitsumfeld, in dem Deine Ideen geschätzt und Deine Leistungen anerkannt werden
- Mehr als nur "all inklusive" (Buffet zum Frühstück, Mittag- und Abendessen sowie Snacks und natürlich Getränke, auch an freien Tagen)
- Wohnung mit Wohnküche und separatem Schlafzimmer, zu günstigen Konditionen
- Persönliche Trinkgelder sowie Partizipation am Haustrinkgeld
- Minutengenaue Zeitabrechnung
- Kostenfreie Teilnahme an der Familux Academy - einem Schulungsprogramm mit 120 Schulungen
- Nutzung der gesamten Hotelinfrastruktur kostenfrei (Fitnessraum, Hallenbad, Freibad, Turnhalle, Sauna, W-LAN, Fahrradverleih für Ausflüge und vieles mehr...)
- Unterbringung der eigenen Kinder im Kinderclub (in den Ferienzeiten oder auf Dauer)
- Ermäßigte Hotelaufenthalte in unseren Schwesterhotels das ganze Jahr, auch für Familienmitglieder und Freunde
Unsere gesamten Familux Benefits findest du unter folgendem Link: Familux Benefits
Möchtest Du unser Spa-Team mit deiner Expertise und Führungskompetenz auf das nächste Level bringen? Wir freuen uns auf deine aussagekräftige Bewerbung und darauf, dich in einem persönlichen Gespräch näher kennenzulernen.
Gehalt nach Familux Pay (je nach Qualifikation) ca. € 3.596,- brutto für 42,5 Stunden / Woche.
Wir sind davon überzeugt, dass Vielfalt und unterschiedliche Perspektiven unser Team stärken. Jede Bewerbung wird mit gleicher Aufmerksamkeit und Fairness geprüft.
Überkollektive und qualifikationsangemessene Bezahlung; zzgl. Einheimischenbonus; zzgl. persönliche und hausinterne Trinkgelder
Department: SPAEmployment contract Full time Gross salary € 2.944,53
Contact Person Maria Strasser |
Apply now
Sommelier (m/f/d)
Department: ServiceEmployment contract Full time, part time
Salary up to € 3,277.00 per month (incl. locals bonus and Sunday supplement); plus 13th & 14th month salary; plus personal & in-house tips; plus revenue sharing; Possible annual...
Curtain up for you!
We are looking for you because wine flows through your veins. You have the right wine recommendation for every dish and can defy any Dr. Google Sommelier! You are always up to date and know every wine bottle by its first name?
You don't get weak kneed with our wine cellar with over 600 items, but add the 600 and 1 - why? Because you are simply the professional!
We are looking forward to YOU!
When you work at Familux Resorts, you're not a number in the system. You are not an employee. You are a family member!
And as part of our family, we guarantee you:
Working for one of the most innovative employers in the industry!
Flexible working time models (mini-job, part-time or full-time - depending on availability).
Possibility of working a 4-day week (if no company accommodation is required)
Inexpensive access to an e-car (can also be used privately)
Permanent employment
Pay above the standard pay scale and commensurate with qualifications
Placement bonus of up to € 1,000 for recruited employees
Sunday bonuses 50% of the h-rate
personal tips as well as participation in the house tips
to-the-minute time accounting with palm scan
More than just "all inclusive" (buffet for breakfast, lunch and dinner as well as snacks and of course drinks, also on days off) - for this we have our own employee kitchen service
Work clothes will be provided for you
Free participation in the Familux Academy - a training program with 120 training sessions and your own Familux app
Regular participation in employee surveys, so that you can help shape your own daily work routine
Accommodation in a single room (equipment: bath/shower, WC, TV, Internet) can be provided at a favorable rental rate
Use of the entire hotel infrastructure free of charge (fitness room, indoor swimming pool, outdoor swimming pool, gym, sauna, W-LAN, bicycle rental for excursions and much more...)
Accommodation of own children in the children's club (during the vacation periods or permanently)
discounted hotel stays in our sister hotels all year round, also for family members
many reduced conditions (ski pass, ski rental, wellness treatments, cosmetic products)
- joint leisure activities such as ski days, sports evenings, joint hikes and much more.
For you anyway self-evident
- an education/training as a sommelier or experience in gastronomy with wine knowledge & enthusiasm for the wine world
- free access to the Austrian labor market
- good knowledge of German
- friendliness and helpfulness towards guests and colleagues
- willingness to live the philosophy of the company
- Interest in and love for the hotel business and services
- willingness to work in a team - commitment, reliability, independence and punctuality
neat appearance
Salary up to € 3,277.00 per month (incl. locals bonus and Sunday supplement); plus 13th & 14th month salary; plus personal & in-house tips; plus revenue sharing; Possible annual salary incl. all bonuses: > € 51,000.00
Department: ServiceEmployment contract Full time, part time Gross salary € 2.239,00
Contact Person Petra Stadlmayr |
Apply now
Chef de Rang (m/f/d)
Department: ServiceEmployment contract Full time
Salary up to € 2,676.00 per month (incl. locals bonus and Sunday supplement); plus 13th & 14th month salary; plus personal & in-house tips; Possible annual salary incl. all bonu...
Curtain up for you!
We are looking for you because you simply enjoy dealing with our big and small guests. You love to advise and inspire them. You are a juggler of glasses and fill them with the best drinks. You know how important our job as service staff is, because we always know when we are allowed to be animator, advisor, taster, or psychotherapist for our guests. You are the one who is pulling all the strings and you are the one who is either discussing the possible hiking routes and excursions of the day with the guests, or the one who is allowed to comment on the most exciting stories about the experiences of the day in the evening. Do you have time for that? Sure, because you have it all under control.
Because you are definitely not a plate cab, but our number 1!
When you work at Familux Resorts, you're not a number in the system. You're not an employee. You are a family member!
And as part of our family, we guarantee you:
Working for one of the most innovative employers in the industry!
Flexible working time models (mini-job, part-time or full-time - we accommodate your life situation).
Possibility of working a 4-day week (if no company accommodation is required)
Inexpensive access to an e-car (can also be used privately)
Permanent employment
Pay above the standard pay scale and commensurate with qualifications
Placement bonus of up to € 1,000 for recruited employees
Sunday bonuses 50% of the h-rate
personal tips as well as participation in house tips
to-the-minute time accounting with palm scan
More than just "all inclusive" (buffet for breakfast, lunch and dinner as well as snacks and of course drinks, also on days off) - for this we have our own employee kitchen service
Work clothes will be provided for you
Free participation in the Familux Academy - a training program with 120 training sessions and your own Familux app
Regular participation in employee surveys, so that you can help shape your own daily work routine
Accommodation in a single room (equipment: bath/shower, WC, TV, Internet) can be provided at a favorable rental rate
Use of the entire hotel infrastructure free of charge (fitness room, indoor swimming pool, outdoor swimming pool, gym, sauna, W-LAN, bicycle rental for excursions and much more...)
Accommodation of own children in the children's club (during the vacation periods or permanently)
discounted hotel stays in our sister hotels all year round, also for family members
many reduced conditions (ski pass, ski rental, wellness treatments, cosmetic products)
- joint leisure activities such as ski days, sports evenings, joint hikes and much more.
For you anyway self-evident
- completed education or experienced career changer
- free access to the Austrian labor market
- good knowledge of German
- friendliness and helpfulness towards guests and colleagues
- Willingness to live the company philosophy
- Interest in and love of the hotel business and services
- willingness to work in a team - commitment, reliability, independence and punctuality
neat appearance
Salary up to € 2,676.00 per month (incl. locals bonus and Sunday supplement); plus 13th & 14th month salary; plus personal & in-house tips; Possible annual salary incl. all bonuses: > € 38,000.00
Department: ServiceEmployment contract Full time
Contact Person Petra Stadlmayr |
Apply now
Kids Coach (m/f/d)
Department: Kids ClubEmployment contract Full time, part time
Salary up to € 2,676.00 per month (incl. locals bonus and Sunday supplement); plus 13th & 14th month salary; plus personal & in-house tips; Possible annual salary incl. all bonu...
Curtain up for you!
We're looking for you - because children don't scare you. Whether it's a baby or a teenager, changing diapers or quickly making a Minion in between. You are the one to whom parents entrust their kids - Why? Because you are the hero of the children!
When you work at Familux Resorts, you are not a number in the system. You are not an employee. You are a family member!
And as part of our family, we guarantee you:
Working for one of the most innovative employers in the industry!
Flexible working time models (mini-job, part-time or full-time - we accommodate your life situation).
Possibility of working a 4-day week (if no company accommodation is required)
Inexpensive access to an e-car (can also be used privately)
Permanent employment
Pay above the standard pay scale and commensurate with qualifications
Placement bonus of up to € 1,000 for recruited employees
Sunday bonuses 50% of the h-rate
personal tips as well as participation in house tips
to-the-minute time accounting with palm scan
More than just "all inclusive" (buffet for breakfast, lunch and dinner as well as snacks and of course drinks, also on days off) - for this we have our own employee kitchen service
Work clothes will be provided for you
Free participation in the Familux Academy - a training program with 120 training sessions and your own Familux app
Regular participation in employee surveys, so that you can help shape your own daily work routine
Accommodation in a single room (equipment: bath/shower, WC, TV, Internet) can be provided at a favorable rental rate
Use of the entire hotel infrastructure free of charge (fitness room, indoor swimming pool, outdoor swimming pool, gym, sauna, W-LAN, bicycle rental for excursions and much more...)
Accommodation of own children in the children's club (during the vacation periods or permanently)
discounted hotel stays in our sister hotels all year round, also for family members
many reduced conditions (ski pass, ski rental, wellness treatments, cosmetic products)
- joint leisure activities such as ski days, sports evenings, joint hikes and much more.
For you anyway self-evident
- completed education or experienced career changer
- free access to the Austrian labor market
- good knowledge of German
- friendliness and helpfulness towards guests and colleagues
- Willingness to live the company philosophy
- Interest in and love of the hotel business and services
- willingness to work in a team - commitment, reliability, independence and punctuality
neat appearance
Salary up to € 2,676.00 per month (incl. locals bonus and Sunday supplement); plus 13th & 14th month salary; plus personal & in-house tips; Possible annual salary incl. all bonuses: > € 38,000.00
Department: Kids ClubEmployment contract Full time, part time Gross salary € 2.393,00
Contact Person Maria Strasser |
Apply now
Kids Coach (m/f/d)
Department: Kids ClubEmployment contract Full time, part time
Salary up to € 2,676.00 per month (incl. locals bonus and Sunday supplement); plus 13th & 14th month salary; plus personal & in-house tips; Possible annual salary incl. all bonu...
Curtain up for you!
We're looking for you - because children don't scare you. Whether it's a baby or a teenager, changing diapers or quickly making a Minion in between. You are the one to whom parents entrust their kids - Why? Because you are the hero of the children!
When you work at Familux Resorts, you are not a number in the system. You are not an employee. You are a family member!
And as part of our family, we guarantee you:
Working for one of the most innovative employers in the industry!
Flexible working time models (mini-job, part-time or full-time - we accommodate your life situation).
Possibility of working a 4-day week (if no company accommodation is required)
Inexpensive access to an e-car (can also be used privately)
Permanent employment
Pay above the standard pay scale and commensurate with qualifications
Placement bonus of up to € 1,000 for recruited employees
Sunday bonuses 50% of the h-rate
personal tips as well as participation in house tips
to-the-minute time accounting with palm scan
More than just "all inclusive" (buffet for breakfast, lunch and dinner as well as snacks and of course drinks, also on days off) - for this we have our own employee kitchen service
Work clothes will be provided for you
Free participation in the Familux Academy - a training program with 120 training sessions and your own Familux app
Regular participation in employee surveys, so that you can help shape your own daily work routine
Accommodation in a single room (equipment: bath/shower, WC, TV, Internet) can be provided at a favorable rental rate
Use of the entire hotel infrastructure free of charge (fitness room, indoor swimming pool, outdoor swimming pool, gym, sauna, W-LAN, bicycle rental for excursions and much more...)
Accommodation of own children in the children's club (during the vacation periods or permanently)
discounted hotel stays in our sister hotels all year round, also for family members
many reduced conditions (ski pass, ski rental, wellness treatments, cosmetic products)
- joint leisure activities such as ski days, sports evenings, joint hikes and much more.
For you anyway self-evident
- completed education or experienced career changer
- free access to the Austrian labor market
- good knowledge of German
- friendliness and helpfulness towards guests and colleagues
- Willingness to live the company philosophy
- Interest in and love of the hotel business and services
- willingness to work in a team - commitment, reliability, independence and punctuality
neat appearance
Salary up to € 2,676.00 per month (incl. locals bonus and Sunday supplement); plus 13th & 14th month salary; plus personal & in-house tips; Possible annual salary incl. all bonuses: > € 38,000.00
Department: Kids ClubEmployment contract Full time, part time
Apply now
Director of Culture & Talents (m/f/d)
Department: VerwaltungEmployment contract Full time
Salary up to € 2,676.00 per month (incl. locals bonus and Sunday supplement); plus 13th & 14th month salary; plus personal & in-house tips; Possible annual salary incl. all bonu...
Curtain up for you!
We are looking for you because you simply enjoy dealing with our big and small guests. You love to advise and inspire them. You are a juggler of glasses and fill them with the best drinks. You know how important our job as service staff is, because we always know when we are allowed to be animator, advisor, taster, or psychotherapist for our guests. You are the one who is pulling all the strings and you are the one who is either discussing the possible hiking routes and excursions of the day with the guests, or the one who is allowed to comment on the most exciting stories about the experiences of the day in the evening. Do you have time for that? Sure, because you have it all under control.
Because you are definitely not a plate cab, but our number 1!
When you work at Familux Resorts, you're not a number in the system. You're not an employee. You are a family member!
And as part of our family, we guarantee you:
Working for one of the most innovative employers in the industry!
Flexible working time models (mini-job, part-time or full-time - we accommodate your life situation).
Possibility of working a 4-day week (if no company accommodation is required)
Inexpensive access to an e-car (can also be used privately)
Permanent employment
Pay above the standard pay scale and commensurate with qualifications
Placement bonus of up to € 1,000 for recruited employees
Sunday bonuses 50% of the h-rate
personal tips as well as participation in house tips
to-the-minute time accounting with palm scan
More than just "all inclusive" (buffet for breakfast, lunch and dinner as well as snacks and of course drinks, also on days off) - for this we have our own employee kitchen service
Work clothes will be provided for you
Free participation in the Familux Academy - a training program with 120 training sessions and your own Familux app
Regular participation in employee surveys, so that you can help shape your own daily work routine
Accommodation in a single room (equipment: bath/shower, WC, TV, Internet) can be provided at a favorable rental rate
Use of the entire hotel infrastructure free of charge (fitness room, indoor swimming pool, outdoor swimming pool, gym, sauna, W-LAN, bicycle rental for excursions and much more...)
Accommodation of own children in the children's club (during the vacation periods or permanently)
discounted hotel stays in our sister hotels all year round, also for family members
many reduced conditions (ski pass, ski rental, wellness treatments, cosmetic products)
- joint leisure activities such as ski days, sports evenings, joint hikes and much more.
For you anyway self-evident
- completed education or experienced career changer
- free access to the Austrian labor market
- good knowledge of German
- friendliness and helpfulness towards guests and colleagues
- Willingness to live the company philosophy
- Interest in and love of the hotel business and services
- willingness to work in a team - commitment, reliability, independence and punctuality
neat appearance
Salary up to € 2,676.00 per month (incl. locals bonus and Sunday supplement); plus 13th & 14th month salary; plus personal & in-house tips; Possible annual salary incl. all bonuses: > € 38,000.00
Department: VerwaltungEmployment contract Full time
Contact Person Julia Reingruber |
Apply now
Cook/Young cook/Kitchen assistant (m/f/d)
Department: KitchenEmployment contract Full time, part time
Pay above the standard pay scale and commensurate with qualifications; plus Sunday bonuses; plus personal and in-house tips.
Curtain up for you!
For our opening team we are looking for a motivated chef/young chef/kitchen assistant from autumn 2022.
We're looking for you because you don't leave a stone unturned. Whether sauces, side dishes or the mega steak - you bring everything to the point and still you fabricate small works of art. Ingenious - together with our kitchen crew you make our guests' palates rejoice! Why - because you are a doer!
When you work at Familux Resorts, you're not a number in the system. You are not an employee. You are a family member!
And as part of our family, we guarantee you:
Working for one of the most innovative employers in the industry!
Flexible working time models (mini-job, part-time or full-time - we accommodate your life situation).
Possibility of working a 4-day week (if no company accommodation is required)
Inexpensive access to an e-car (can also be used privately)
Permanent employment
Pay above the standard pay scale and commensurate with qualifications
Placement bonus of up to € 1,000 for recruited employees
Sunday allowance 50 % of the h-rate
€ 50.00 tax- and SV-free allowance, redeemable at more than 100 partners such as Saturn, Adidas, Douglas, Shell, etc..
100 % employer-financed health budget of € 300,00
personal tips as well as participation in house tips
time billing to the minute
More than just "all inclusive" (buffet for breakfast, lunch and dinner as well as snacks and of course drinks, also on days off) - for this we have our own employee kitchen service
Work clothes will be provided for you
Free participation in the Familux Academy - a training program with 120 training sessions and your own Familux app
Regular participation in employee surveys, so that you can help shape your own daily work routine
Accommodation in a single room (equipment: bath/shower, WC, TV, Internet) can be provided at a favorable rental rate
Use of the entire hotel infrastructure free of charge (fitness room, indoor swimming pool, outdoor swimming pool, gym, sauna, W-LAN, bicycle rental for excursions and much more...)
Accommodation of own children in the children's club (during the vacation periods or permanently)
discounted hotel stays in our sister hotels all year round, also for family members
many reduced conditions (ski pass, ski rental, wellness treatments, cosmetic products)
- joint leisure activities such as ski days, sports evenings, joint hikes and much more.
For you anyway self-evident
- completed education or experienced career changer
- free access to the German labor market
- English basics
- good knowledge of German
- friendliness and helpfulness towards guests and colleagues
- willingness to live the company philosophy
- Interest in and love for the hotel business and service respectively
- willingness to work in a team - commitment, reliability, independence and punctuality
neat appearance
Pay above the standard pay scale and commensurate with qualifications; plus Sunday bonuses; plus personal and in-house tips.
Department: KitchenEmployment contract Full time, part time
Contact Person Nicole Süß | | +49 (0)36842 4231607
Apply now
Beautician with massage skills (m/f/d)
Department: SPAEmployment contract Full time, part time
Salary up to € 2,676.00 per month (incl. locals bonus and Sunday supplement); plus 13th & 14th month salary; plus personal & in-house tips; Possible annual salary incl. all bonu...
Curtain up for you!
You are communicative, active during the day but also at night and love to work with people and to make the big and small family celebrations a special experience? You're on top of everything and can't have enough cocktails on the menu? We're looking for someone like you. Just warm and friendly, someone who enjoys their job.
When you work at Familux Resorts, you're not a number in the system. You are not an employee. You are a family member!
And as part of our family, we guarantee you:
Working for one of the most innovative employers in the industry!
Flexible working time models (mini-job, part-time or full-time - we accommodate your life situation).
Possibility of working a 4-day week (if no company accommodation is required)
Inexpensive access to an e-car (can also be used privately)
Permanent employment
Pay above the standard pay scale and commensurate with qualifications
Placement bonus of up to € 1,000 for recruited employees
Sunday bonuses 50% of the h-rate
personal tips as well as participation in the house tips
to-the-minute time accounting with palm scan
More than just "all inclusive" (buffet for breakfast, lunch and dinner as well as snacks and of course drinks, also on days off) - for this we have our own employee kitchen service
Work clothes will be provided for you
Free participation in the Familux Academy - a training program with 120 training sessions and your own Familux app
Regular participation in employee surveys, so that you can help shape your own daily work routine
Accommodation in a single room (equipment: bath/shower, WC, TV, Internet) can be provided at a favorable rental rate
Use of the entire hotel infrastructure free of charge (fitness room, indoor swimming pool, outdoor swimming pool, gym, sauna, W-LAN, bicycle rental for excursions and much more...)
Accommodation of own children in the children's club (during the vacation periods or permanently)
discounted hotel stays in our sister hotels all year round, also for family members
many reduced conditions (ski pass, ski rental, wellness treatments, cosmetic products)
- joint leisure activities such as ski days, sports evenings, joint hikes and much more.
For you anyway self-evident
- completed education or experienced career changer
- free access to the Austrian labor market
- good knowledge of German
- friendliness and helpfulness towards guests and colleagues
- Willingness to live the company philosophy
- Interest in and love for the hotel business and services
- willingness to work in a team - commitment, reliability, independence and punctuality
neat appearance
Salary up to € 2,676.00 per month (incl. locals bonus and Sunday supplement); plus 13th & 14th month salary; plus personal & in-house tips; Possible annual salary incl. all bonuses: > € 38,000.00
Department: SPAEmployment contract Full time, part time Gross salary € 2.041,00
Contact Person Heike Wenger | +49 8324 709 9102
Apply now
Kids Coach (m/f/d)
Department: Kids ClubEmployment contract Full time, part time
Salary up to € 2,676.00 per month (incl. locals bonus and Sunday supplement); plus 13th & 14th month salary; plus personal & in-house tips; Possible annual salary incl. all bonu...
Curtain up for you!
We're looking for you - because children don't scare you. Whether it's a baby or a teenager, changing diapers or quickly making a Minion in between. You are the one to whom parents entrust their kids - Why? Because you are the hero of the children!
When you work at Familux Resorts, you are not a number in the system. You are not an employee. You are a family member!
And as part of our family, we guarantee you:
Working for one of the most innovative employers in the industry!
Flexible working time models (mini-job, part-time or full-time - we accommodate your life situation).
Possibility of working a 4-day week (if no company accommodation is required)
Inexpensive access to an e-car (can also be used privately)
Permanent employment
Pay above the standard pay scale and commensurate with qualifications
Placement bonus of up to € 1,000 for recruited employees
Sunday bonuses 50% of the h-rate
personal tips as well as participation in house tips
to-the-minute time accounting with palm scan
More than just "all inclusive" (buffet for breakfast, lunch and dinner as well as snacks and of course drinks, also on days off) - for this we have our own employee kitchen service
Work clothes will be provided for you
Free participation in the Familux Academy - a training program with 120 training sessions and your own Familux app
Regular participation in employee surveys, so that you can help shape your own daily work routine
Accommodation in a single room (equipment: bath/shower, WC, TV, Internet) can be provided at a favorable rental rate
Use of the entire hotel infrastructure free of charge (fitness room, indoor swimming pool, outdoor swimming pool, gym, sauna, W-LAN, bicycle rental for excursions and much more...)
Accommodation of own children in the children's club (during the vacation periods or permanently)
discounted hotel stays in our sister hotels all year round, also for family members
many reduced conditions (ski pass, ski rental, wellness treatments, cosmetic products)
- joint leisure activities such as ski days, sports evenings, joint hikes and much more.
For you anyway self-evident
- completed education or experienced career changer
- free access to the Austrian labor market
- good knowledge of German
- friendliness and helpfulness towards guests and colleagues
- Willingness to live the company philosophy
- Interest in and love of the hotel business and services
- willingness to work in a team - commitment, reliability, independence and punctuality
neat appearance
Salary up to € 2,676.00 per month (incl. locals bonus and Sunday supplement); plus 13th & 14th month salary; plus personal & in-house tips; Possible annual salary incl. all bonuses: > € 38,000.00
Department: Kids ClubEmployment contract Full time, part time Gross salary € 2.084,00
Contact Person Maria Strasser |
Apply now
Chef de Rang (m/f/d)
Department: ServiceEmployment contract Full time, part time
Salary up to € 2,676.00 per month (incl. locals bonus and Sunday supplement); plus 13th & 14th month salary; plus personal & in-house tips; Possible annual salary incl. all bonu...
Curtain up for you!
We are looking for you because you simply enjoy dealing with our big and small guests. You love to advise and inspire them. You are a juggler of glasses and fill them with the best drinks. You know how important our job as service staff is, because we always know when we are allowed to be animator, advisor, taster, or psychotherapist for our guests. You are the one who is pulling all the strings and you are the one who is either discussing the possible hiking routes and excursions of the day with the guests, or the one who is allowed to comment on the most exciting stories about the experiences of the day in the evening. Do you have time for that? Sure, because you have it all under control.
Because you are definitely not a plate cab, but our number 1!
When you work at Familux Resorts, you're not a number in the system. You're not an employee. You are a family member!
And as part of our family, we guarantee you:
Working for one of the most innovative employers in the industry!
Flexible working time models (mini-job, part-time or full-time - we accommodate your life situation).
Possibility of working a 4-day week (if no company accommodation is required)
Inexpensive access to an e-car (can also be used privately)
Permanent employment
Pay above the standard pay scale and commensurate with qualifications
Placement bonus of up to € 1,000 for recruited employees
Sunday bonuses 50% of the h-rate
personal tips as well as participation in house tips
to-the-minute time accounting with palm scan
More than just "all inclusive" (buffet for breakfast, lunch and dinner as well as snacks and of course drinks, also on days off) - for this we have our own employee kitchen service
Work clothes will be provided for you
Free participation in the Familux Academy - a training program with 120 training sessions and your own Familux app
Regular participation in employee surveys, so that you can help shape your own daily work routine
Accommodation in a single room (equipment: bath/shower, WC, TV, Internet) can be provided at a favorable rental rate
Use of the entire hotel infrastructure free of charge (fitness room, indoor swimming pool, outdoor swimming pool, gym, sauna, W-LAN, bicycle rental for excursions and much more...)
Accommodation of own children in the children's club (during the vacation periods or permanently)
discounted hotel stays in our sister hotels all year round, also for family members
many reduced conditions (ski pass, ski rental, wellness treatments, cosmetic products)
- joint leisure activities such as ski days, sports evenings, joint hikes and much more.
For you anyway self-evident
- completed education or experienced career changer
- free access to the Austrian labor market
- good knowledge of German
- friendliness and helpfulness towards guests and colleagues
- Willingness to live the company philosophy
- Interest in and love of the hotel business and services
- willingness to work in a team - commitment, reliability, independence and punctuality
neat appearance
Salary up to € 2,676.00 per month (incl. locals bonus and Sunday supplement); plus 13th & 14th month salary; plus personal & in-house tips; Possible annual salary incl. all bonuses: > € 38,000.00
Department: ServiceEmployment contract Full time, part time
Contact Person Heike Wenger | +49 8324 709 9102
Apply now
Sport & Fitnesskauffrau
Department: ReceptionEmployment contract Full time
Überkollektive und qualifikationsangemessene Bezahlung; zzgl. Sonntagszuschläge; zzgl. Einheimischenbonus; zzgl. persönliche und hausinterne Trinkgelder
Wir suchen dich – weil du unsere Gäste entspannst. Ob Peeling & Packung, Paarbehandlung, Terminbuchung an der Spa-Rezeption und vor allem der/die persönliche Psychotherapeut/in für zwischendurch – du schaukelst DAS! Warum? – weil du es einfach drauf hast!
Überkollektive und qualifikationsangemessene Bezahlung; zzgl. Sonntagszuschläge; zzgl. Einheimischenbonus; zzgl. persönliche und hausinterne Trinkgelder
Department: ReceptionEmployment contract Full time
Contact Person Heike Wenger |
Apply now
Chef de Rang (m/f/d)
Department: ServiceEmployment contract Full time, part time
Salary up to € 2,676.00 per month (incl. locals bonus and Sunday supplement); plus 13th & 14th month salary; plus personal & in-house tips; Possible annual salary incl. all bonu...
Curtain up for you!
We are looking for you because you simply enjoy dealing with our big and small guests. You love to advise and inspire them. You are a juggler of glasses and fill them with the best drinks. You know how important our job as service staff is, because we always know when we are allowed to be animator, advisor, taster, or psychotherapist for our guests. You are the one who is pulling all the strings and you are the one who is either discussing the possible hiking routes and excursions of the day with the guests, or the one who is allowed to comment on the most exciting stories about the experiences of the day in the evening. Do you have time for that? Sure, because you have it all under control.
Because you are definitely not a plate cab, but our number 1!
When you work at Familux Resorts, you're not a number in the system. You're not an employee. You are a family member!
And as part of our family, we guarantee you:
Working for one of the most innovative employers in the industry!
Flexible working time models (mini-job, part-time or full-time - we accommodate your life situation).
Possibility of working a 4-day week (if no company accommodation is required)
Inexpensive access to an e-car (can also be used privately)
Permanent employment
Pay above the standard pay scale and commensurate with qualifications
Placement bonus of up to € 1,000 for recruited employees
Sunday bonuses 50% of the h-rate
personal tips as well as participation in house tips
to-the-minute time accounting with palm scan
More than just "all inclusive" (buffet for breakfast, lunch and dinner as well as snacks and of course drinks, also on days off) - for this we have our own employee kitchen service
Work clothes will be provided for you
Free participation in the Familux Academy - a training program with 120 training sessions and your own Familux app
Regular participation in employee surveys, so that you can help shape your own daily work routine
Accommodation in a single room (equipment: bath/shower, WC, TV, Internet) can be provided at a favorable rental rate
Use of the entire hotel infrastructure free of charge (fitness room, indoor swimming pool, outdoor swimming pool, gym, sauna, W-LAN, bicycle rental for excursions and much more...)
Accommodation of own children in the children's club (during the vacation periods or permanently)
discounted hotel stays in our sister hotels all year round, also for family members
many reduced conditions (ski pass, ski rental, wellness treatments, cosmetic products)
- joint leisure activities such as ski days, sports evenings, joint hikes and much more.
For you anyway self-evident
- completed education or experienced career changer
- free access to the Austrian labor market
- good knowledge of German
- friendliness and helpfulness towards guests and colleagues
- Willingness to live the company philosophy
- Interest in and love of the hotel business and services
- willingness to work in a team - commitment, reliability, independence and punctuality
neat appearance
Salary up to € 2,676.00 per month (incl. locals bonus and Sunday supplement); plus 13th & 14th month salary; plus personal & in-house tips; Possible annual salary incl. all bonuses: > € 38,000.00
Department: ServiceEmployment contract Full time, part time
Contact Person Heike Wenger | +49 8324 709 9102
Apply now
Masseur (m/w/d)
Department: SPAEmployment contract Full time, part time
Überkollektive und qualifikationsangemessene Bezahlung; zzgl. Sonntagszuschläge; zzgl. persönliche und hausinterne Trinkgelder
Wir suchen dich – weil du unsere Gäste entspannst. Ob Peeling & Packung, Paarbehandlung, Terminbuchung an der Spa-Rezeption und vor allem der/die persönliche Psychotherapeut/in für zwischendurch – du schaukelst DAS! Warum? – weil du es einfach drauf hast!
Deine Aufgaben:
Durchführung von Massagen und Wohlfühl-Treatments
Betreuung unserer Gäste mit klassischen Massagen, Lymphdrainagen, Fußreflexzonenmassagen sowie Aromaölmassagen, Peelings, Wohlfühl- und Relaxmassagen
Durchführung von Bädern
fachliche Beratung unserer Gäste bei der Auswahl der Massagen
Wir freuen uns, wenn du:
Du bist informiert über den fachlichen Umgang mit Geräten und deren Sicherheitsbestimmungen
Offenheit für innovative Behandlungsmethoden und neue Ideen hast
Deinen Kollegen jederzeit mit Rat und Tat zur Seite stehst
Unser Team mit deiner Freude am Beruf mitreißt
Herausforderungen ins Gesicht lachst
Überkollektive und qualifikationsangemessene Bezahlung; zzgl. Sonntagszuschläge; zzgl. persönliche und hausinterne Trinkgelder
Department: SPAEmployment contract Full time, part time
Contact Person Nicole Süß | 03684242351607
Apply now
Chef Tournant (m/f/d)
Department: KitchenEmployment contract Full time
Salary up to € 2,676.00 per month (incl. locals bonus and Sunday supplement); plus 13th & 14th month salary; plus personal & in-house tips; Possible annual salary incl. all bonu...
The Familux experience - now on the high seas!
The Familux philosophy revolves around a successful family vacation - and has done so for 30 years. The vision to give children as well as parents an unforgettable
time drives the constant development of the concept. From this thought the Familux Yachts were born - a vacation, completely
according to the principles of Familux, organized in the beautiful Adriatic Sea. In the middle of nature, families enjoy a week on board a luxury catamaran, perfectly
cared for by their own Familux crew and a lot of extraordinary experiences!
The Chef Tournant on board is responsible for the culinary delights of the guests. For this he gets a preference list of the guests in advance, which he prepares to a menu for the
week on board. He works with a predefined budget and cooks up to three meals per day for up to 10 people. In addition, he is responsible for the snack corner
in the salon.The snack corner is an area freely accessible to the guests, where they can help themselves at any time. The cook must ensure that the containers
are appropriately labeled and that the various snacks (dried fruit, nuts, chips, salted pretzels, candy, Haribos, etc.) are always replenished. The
same applies to the two drink dispensers and the fruit basket.
Life on board...
- is diverse & adventurous
- can be stressful and lets you grow personally and professionally
- lets you experience Croatia in a unique way
- sweats
- means service to the guest in an intimate setting with limited space
- starts in Pomer, Croatia (near Pula)
- suitable for all employees 18 years and older who can swim
- gives you a great summer tan ;-)
The most important info in advance:
travel period
each Saturday - Saturday, the Familux One is usually from 17.00 to move
Living on the Familux One
Each crew member has its own cabin, where there are two smaller in the front in the bow
and a double cabin with subsequent bathroom, which issharedwith the other
two crew members. The cabin arrangement is done by the skipper.
The skippers are usually "locals" who willtake the guests and you to the hidden
gems of Croatia. They are multilingual (DE, EN, IT,...) and take care
of the safety of the passengers on board and the yacht. His instructions are to befollowed
work uniform
work uniform consists of purple FL polo shirts, name badges and
knee-length pants/skirt in the colors black/grey/white. Neat and clean
extras, travel expenses reimbursed, no bonus & special pay à ALL-IN.
Tips are not included in the trip price and are usually 5-10% of the
trip price for the entire crew.
Privacy on board
Very important for the entire crew is to keep thebalance between service and
privacy.There are both approaches on the part of the families, "We value
our privacy" and "We want the crew to be activelyinvolved in our
vacation." Every family is different and so it is important to be flexible
and adapt accordingly. To make the days successful,
good communication with the families and team is essential so that
can work together to find the perfect rhythm.
Tasks and Duties:
● Planning and preparing meals on board
● Cooking together when requested by the family
● Grocery shopping (with the family)
● Ensuring cleanliness in the kitchen, watching out for dishes standing around
● Proper storage of food and beverages, putting freshly cut
fruit back in the fridge with foil, etc.
● very good knowledge of German or English
● high level of service orientation and ability to work under pressure
● high level of quality awareness
● successfully completed vocational training or comparable
● min 2.-years of experience in the upscale gastronomy or hotel industry
● independent and self-reliant way of working
● ability to organize and plan
● creativity and flexibility
Salary up to € 2,676.00 per month (incl. locals bonus and Sunday supplement); plus 13th & 14th month salary; plus personal & in-house tips; Possible annual salary incl. all bonuses: > € 38,000.00
Department: KitchenEmployment contract Full time
Contact Person Julia Reingruber |
Apply now
Chef Tournant (m/f/d)
Department: KitchenEmployment contract Full time
Salary up to € 2,676.00 per month (incl. locals bonus and Sunday supplement); plus 13th & 14th month salary; plus personal & in-house tips; Possible annual salary incl. all bonu...
The Familux experience - now on the high seas!
The Familux philosophy revolves around a successful family vacation - and has done so for 30 years. The vision to give children as well as parents an unforgettable
time drives the constant development of the concept. From this thought the Familux Yachts were born - a vacation, completely
according to the principles of Familux, organized in the beautiful Adriatic Sea. In the middle of nature, families enjoy a week on board a luxury catamaran, perfectly
cared for by their own Familux crew and a lot of extraordinary experiences!
The Chef Tournant on board is responsible for the culinary delights of the guests. For this he gets a preference list of the guests in advance, which he prepares to a menu for the
week on board. He works with a predefined budget and cooks up to three meals per day for up to 10 people. In addition, he is responsible for the snack corner
in the salon.The snack corner is an area freely accessible to the guests, where they can help themselves at any time. The cook must ensure that the containers
are appropriately labeled and that the various snacks (dried fruit, nuts, chips, salted pretzels, candy, Haribos, etc.) are always replenished. The
same applies to the two drink dispensers and the fruit basket.
Life on board...
- is diverse & adventurous
- can be stressful and lets you grow personally and professionally
- lets you experience Croatia in a unique way
- sweats
- means service to the guest in an intimate setting with limited space
- starts in Pomer, Croatia (near Pula)
- suitable for all employees 18 years and older who can swim
- gives you a great summer tan ;-)
The most important info in advance:
travel period
each Saturday - Saturday, the Familux One is usually from 17.00 to move
Living on the Familux One
Each crew member has its own cabin, where there are two smaller in the front in the bow
and a double cabin with subsequent bathroom, which issharedwith the other
two crew members. The cabin arrangement is done by the skipper.
The skippers are usually "locals" who willtake the guests and you to the hidden
gems of Croatia. They are multilingual (DE, EN, IT,...) and take care
of the safety of the passengers on board and the yacht. His instructions are to befollowed
work uniform
work uniform consists of purple FL polo shirts, name badges and
knee-length pants/skirt in the colors black/grey/white. Neat and clean
extras, travel expenses reimbursed, no bonus & special pay à ALL-IN.
Tips are not included in the trip price and are usually 5-10% of the
trip price for the entire crew.
Privacy on board
Very important for the entire crew is to keep thebalance between service and
privacy.There are both approaches on the part of the families, "We value
our privacy" and "We want the crew to be activelyinvolved in our
vacation." Every family is different and so it is important to be flexible
and adapt accordingly. To make the days successful,
good communication with the families and team is essential so that
can work together to find the perfect rhythm.
Tasks and Duties:
● Planning and preparing meals on board
● Cooking together when requested by the family
● Grocery shopping (with the family)
● Ensuring cleanliness in the kitchen, watching out for dishes standing around
● Proper storage of food and beverages, putting freshly cut
fruit back in the fridge with foil, etc.
● very good knowledge of German or English
● high level of service orientation and ability to work under pressure
● high level of quality awareness
● successfully completed vocational training or comparable
● min 2.-years of experience in the upscale gastronomy or hotel industry
● independent and self-reliant way of working
● ability to organize and plan
● creativity and flexibility
Salary up to € 2,676.00 per month (incl. locals bonus and Sunday supplement); plus 13th & 14th month salary; plus personal & in-house tips; Possible annual salary incl. all bonuses: > € 38,000.00
Department: KitchenEmployment contract Full time
Contact Person Julia Reingruber |
Apply now