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Familux Academy

The FAMILUX ACADEMY is the name for the regulated training and further education of all apprentices, employees and managers of the FAMILUX FAMILY in line with our philosophy. With the introduction of our management handbook, the philosophy of all Familux resorts is lived and applied on a daily basis.

Family Academy All Familux Family Members
Management Academy Department manager and deputy
Learning Academy Trainees and apprentices
Talent Academy Selected talents from all resorts

Appreciation and
targeted support for each individual employee

“Each and every individual is important in their position and can develop their full potential through targeted support in order to grow beyond themselves. A career path from receptionist to management is nothing unusual in our Familux Family”

To the training calendar

Contact persons:

Julia Reingruber
Laura Schonger
Wilhelm Operschal

Familux Family Academy

The FAMILUX FAMILY currently has around 672 FAMILY MEMBERS. In addition to apprentices, talents and managers, we want to offer EVERYONE the opportunity to develop professionally and personally.

To this end, each hotel will offer a wide variety of training courses throughout the year. Participation is always voluntary – FAMILUX simply wants to offer every employee the opportunity to develop as part of their personal life path.

Training Calender

Contact persons:

Julia Reingruber
Laura Schonger
Wilhelm Operschal

Contact persons:

Julia Reingruber
Laura Schonger
Wilhelm Operschal

Familux Management Academy

Of course, we have special requirements for our managers. They are already our professionals and are responsible for guests and employees in addition to their departments.

In order to provide our department heads and deputies with the best possible support, we train them once a month and give them all the tools they need to lead a team and ensure quality assurance with regard to guests.

Training Calender

Contact persons:

Julia Reingruber
Laura Schonger
Wilhelm Operschal

Contact persons:

Stefan Pfaus – Oberjoch
Nina Schmaranzer – Dachsteinkönig
Arlette Fasser – Alpenrose
Stefan Falk – The Grand Green

Familux Learning Academy

At the FAMILUX LEARNING ACADEMY, we offer a training program for all our apprentices & trainees. From sales training to complaint management and the preparation of beef tartare, there is a wide range of courses on offer so that we can guarantee a high level of qualification for our own future.

Training Calender

Contact persons:

Stefan Pfaus – Oberjoch
Nina Schmaranzer – Dachsteinkönig
Arlette Fasser – Alpenrose
Stefan Falk – The Grand Green

Contact persons:

Julia Reingruber
Laura Schonger
Wilhelm Operschal

Familux Talent Academy

Our FAMILUX TALENT ACADEMY is innovative. Since spring 2022, we have been running a program to find THE BEST 3 TALENTS PER RESORT who can apply for an extremely high-quality training program. Over 18 months, we offer management training and specialist training courses – at the end of the program there is an exam so that the participants are then designated FAMILUX TALENTS.

The aim is for FAMILUX TALENTS to become the future of FAMILUX RESORTS after completing the program and to take on management positions in our resorts or at Group headquarters.

A career at FAMILUX – even faster with the FAMILUX TALENT ACADEMY!

Training Calender

Contact persons:

Julia Reingruber
Laura Schonger
Wilhelm Operschal

Our Coaches

Wilhelm Alexander Operschal

Since March 2017, Wilhelm Alexander Operschal has been advising, training and motivating all members of the Familux family, from apprentices to hotel managers.

“The Mayer family’s hotels are among the greatest and most innovative children’s and family hotels in Europe. Whether head of department or apprentice. Everyone is important in their position.”

Wilhelm is familiar with the daily challenges and knows that the success to date is closely linked to the daily commitment and great work ethic of the Familux family. That’s why he wants to support each individual even more from now on, so that they can draw strength and joy again and again. So that Team is not just a slogan, but that you all see yourselves as one big family.

“I am very grateful to be able to walk this road to success with you all.”

Dr. Günther Steinlechner

Dr. Günter Steinlechner is a management consultant with a focus on HR issues in trade and industry, but above all also in tourism and healthcare companies, an expert in employment law, a long-standing manager, an expert in collective bargaining negotiations, a lecturer and author of specialist literature, including on collective bargaining agreements for the hotel industry.

Dr. Steinlechner acquired his profound practical knowledge in more than 25 years as a labour law expert at the Vienna Chamber of Commerce, including more than 12 years as head of the social policy department with up to 30 employees. For 12 years, he was a member of the regional directorate of the AMS Vienna and a lay judge at the Supreme Court and the Federal Administrative Court. He inspires the participants of his lectures and workshops by getting to the heart of difficult labor law topics in an easily understandable and entertaining way using numerous examples.

Michael Bayer

Michael Bayer has dedicated his entire professional career to people. He started out as a teacher, but shortly afterwards he moved into the catering industry, which remained his stage as a “host from the heart” for over 15 years. His desire to teach remained intact, which is why he has been working internationally as a trainer and source of inspiration since 2000.

As a driving force, he supports and accompanies owner-managed companies with a clear vision in the personal and professional development of managers and all employees so that they can implement innovative concepts and deliver their service in top quality.

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