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04.08.2023Corinna Scheutz

My apprenticeship as a hotel and hospitality assistant

At the beginning of my apprenticeship I was a different person. Shy, calm, good and a little “scary” towards the guests. I don’t see any of it anymore. I am determined, ambitious, open and confident. I love to be in contact with guests, preferably with the children.

I am Corinna, 18 years old, and currently in my third year of apprenticeship as a hotel and catering assistant in the Dachstein King. Today I will tell you about my apprenticeship in the past years and why I decided for an apprenticeship in the hospitality industry.


01. 09. 2020

15 years old and still far from ready for working life, the first step towards “growing up” – and finally earning my own money.

I started my first working day in housekeeping. To get to know the house, it’s huge.

I was allowed to help the team clean the room. Part of my job was also to do toilet checks – “That could be fun,” I thought.


The weeks in housekeeping went by quickly and I got to know every corner of the resort.

Afterwards, I was allowed to visit the service team – for the first time “working at the guest”.

Pretty exhausting, carrying plates and glasses. But I liked it. A challenge and definitely never boring – you always have something to do.

A few weeks later I started in the kitchen in a good mood. My mood quickly subsided when I had to cut raw meat days later. I wasn’t thrilled about it but it was definitely a new experience.

19. 05. 2021

After seven months of stalemate due to Covid and homeschooling, it was again “Welcome to the holiday, who can we welcome?”

I finally got to go to the front desk. And then it all went by so fast, time flew by. I learned how to greet and say goodbye to guests, learned the right wine service. I supported the girls in accounting. And I made it through the second & third grade of vocational school. Now I’m sitting in the marketing office writing my first blog, and soon I’ll be writing my final exam.


I never wanted to go to the restaurant. And I never wanted to work with people – yet I chose this teaching. I don’t regret that decision for a second. I work in the best hotel in the region with a team that makes me laugh every day. This employer offers us as a team so many opportunities and further training for our future. This team has made me the way I am today; determined, ambitious, open and confident. And that’s why I used to rave it to my sister every day.

She began the same apprenticeship at Dachstein King in September 2022 and is now also part of the Familux Family. We both agree that this was the best decision we could make.


I did it!

July 2023 was a roller coaster of emotions, as the apprenticeship exam was just around the corner.

Learning, learning, learning. . . I couldn’t see the catalogue of questions anymore – but you had to go through it. And it paid off. After two exams – one written, one oral – I passed the apprenticeship examination as a hotel and hospitality assistant!

And now I’m allowed to welcome our guests at the reception because I’ve decided to stay here even after my apprenticeship.

See you soon, Corinna!


Corinna Scheutz

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