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05.10.2022Jana Spranz

The Familux Talent Academy

In spring 2022, the start signal was given for something brand new: the Talent Academy was launched. A special info session was held in every Familux Resort, where the new innovative product of the Familux Family was presented. 18 months, 6 trainers and 9 talents sums up the big announcement. Available to every employee – no matter what department, age or nationality. Anyone interested only had to write an application to their hotel manager. A final exam will conclude the the high-quality training programme, ensuring the quality of the programmes and the Familux talents participating alike.

What exactly will the talents learn in the 18 months? There are many different topics on the Academy’s training calendar. In addition to the basics of labour law, accommodation law, marketing & social media and duty roster design, topics such as communication & conversation management, team behaviour & conflict management, complaint management and leadership skills are also explored. But above all, the talents should grow, learn to understand how to deal with their own employees – both in good and bad situations – and how to present themselves. 

But what is the point? The aim is for the Familux talents to become the future of Familux Resorts after completing the programme. If a management position becomes available, the Talents are the first choice for the open position. Thanks to the Talent Academy, they will be true Familux professionals and prepared for anything. 

Once the 3 best talents from each resort were selected, things got underway. The Talent Academy opened with the kick-off event at Alpenrose – Familux Resort. Here many of the 9 talents met for the first time and were introduced to each other. Each group of 3 had a representative from their resort by their side, who said a few words about each one. Hotel director Andreas Fischer with the Alpenrose Talents, Florian Mayer with the Dachsteinkönig Talents and Nicole Blanz with the Oberjoch Talents. The evening was rounded off with a delicious 5-course meal and many great conversations. 

The Talent Academy is another great opportunity to rise quickly and reach your goals. Many thanks to the Mayer family for making this great programme possible!

Jana Spranz

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